Confession: Gnome’s [Alt] + [`] application switching is a much superior system to normal [Alt] + [Tab]

Nov 3, 2020


I dislike GNOME and its devs for a lot of reasons, mainly because they keep removing features and waste precious time on stuff nobody cares about. (Epiphany/GNOME Web, anyone?)

But they do a few great things too. For someone like me who doesn’t use virtual desktops and has a ridiculous amount of windows open at the same time, [Alt] + [`] was a lifesaver. Even though I hated it when I first encountered it, I didn’t get rid of it right away. Probably due to laziness.

I got used to it slowly and started appreciating it more and more when I had to work in Windows. When I got to 20.04 the first thing I did was go and change [Alt]+[`]/[Alt]+[Tab] back to the way they were in 18.04.

It’s funny how much you can appreciate new things if you just keep an open mind. People, me included, often get really mad if anything frequently-used changes because it “breaks” your workflow. But not a lot of people think about how the new thing could help make your workflow a bit more efficient.

In the words of John C. Maxwell:

“Change is inevitable. Growth is not.”

Makes me wonder if I’m doing the same thing with Windows 10. On second thought, nah. I gave that thing way more time than I should have and I didn’t notice any improvements from Windows 8.1. Only more slowdowns and more nonsense. Done with that trash.




Written by SPZero

I'm stupid and I try to learn new stuff. I also rant about things I don't like.

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